Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Aventura Marina

Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

Distance - 35.7 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
7 hours, 8 minutes
3 hours, 34 minutes
1 hour, 47 minutes
1 hour, 11 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Aventura Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

24777 SW 87th Avenue

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

+1 (305) 258-3500, Marina Manager & Ships Store
Marina Manager & Ships Store
Freddie Nieves, General Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Aventura Marina

3601 N.E. 207th St.

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Aventura Marina

+1 (305) 935-4295
Steven Carlson, General Manager

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Aventura Marina

Pilotage Plan: Loggerhead Marina - South Miami to Loggerhead Marina - Aventura

Embark on an unparalleled journey from Loggerhead Marina - South Miami to Loggerhead Marina - Aventura, an expedition that not only promises the safety and navigational assurance seasoned boaters seek but also weaves through mesmerizing locales, striking the perfect balance between thrill and tranquility. This route is especially suited for the keen adventurer who values a harmonious blend of secure maritime travel and the allure of coastal wonders.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - South Miami

Begin your voyage at the Loggerhead Marina in South Miami, an ideal starting point known for its excellent facilities and a supportive community of fellow boaters. Before setting sail, ensure your vessel is in top condition, and you have the latest weather updates and navigational charts.

Navigational Considerations:

  • Weather and Sea Conditions: Always check local weather conditions. The waters can be unpredictable, and it's paramount to avoid any unnecessary risks.
  • Traffic Areas: You’ll be navigating through some busy corridors. Maintain a vigilant watch and adhere to maritime rules regarding right-of-way and speed limits.
  • Manatee Zones: Be mindful of protected areas, especially the designated Manatee zones where speed is often restricted to protect these gentle giants.

Route Overview:

  1. Biscayne Bay: Departing from South Miami, you'll glide through the calm waters of Biscayne Bay. This stretch is a scenic delight, offering pristine views and friendly dolphin encounters. Stay alert for other vessels and recreational users.
  2. Navigational Aids: As you progress, monitor your charts and GPS for aids like buoys, beacons, and lighthouses, ensuring you're on the correct course. The area is well-marked, but attentive navigation is key.
  3. Haulover Inlet: This is a critical point in your journey. The inlet can be challenging, with shifting sands and strong currents. Approach with caution, ideally at slack tide if possible, and communicate with local traffic to ensure a safe passage.
  4. Intercoastal Waterway (ICW): Once through Haulover Inlet, you'll enter the protected waters of the ICW. It's a smoother ride here, with stunning homes and vibrant marine life. Maintain a respectful speed, keeping an eye out for smaller craft and paddle boarders.

Points of Interest and Shelter:

  • Virginia Key: Offering sheltered anchorage, it's also home to the Miami Seaquarium, an attraction that promises fun for all ages.
  • Sunny Isles Beach: Before Haulover Inlet, consider a stop at Sunny Isles Beach. Its tranquil waters are perfect for a leisurely dip or a bit of relaxation.

Arrival: Loggerhead Marina - Aventura

Conclude your journey at Loggerhead Marina in Aventura. Known for its high-quality facilities and easy access to local amenities, it's the perfect place to rest and reminisce about your adventure.


This voyage from South Miami to Aventura is not just a journey; it's an experience, tailor-made for the boater who seeks safety enveloped in the beauty of coastal navigation. Your path is well-supported by navigational aids and points of interest, ensuring that your adventure is as enjoyable as it is secure. Whether it's the allure of marine life in Biscayne Bay or the architectural marvels along the ICW, this route promises an unforgettable nautical adventure, brimming with opportunities for exploration and relaxation, making it a must for any boater looking for the perfect blend of excitement and tranquility on the waters of Florida.

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