Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to New Pass Cove G9

Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Distance - 220.7 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 20 hours, 8 minutes
22 hours, 4 minutes
11 hours, 2 minutes
7 hours, 21 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to New Pass Cove G9 with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Riviera Beach

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

+1 (561) 840-6868
Jr Branche

End Location
New Pass Cove G9

New Pass

Contact details for New Pass Cove G9

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to New Pass Cove G9

Pilotage Plan from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to New Pass Cove G9

Before setting off from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina, ensure that your vessel is in top condition, check the weather forecast, and familiarize yourself with the navigational charts. Have all safety equipment checked and ready, including life jackets, fire extinguishers, flares, and a reliable communication device. Inform someone of your plans and expected return.

Starting Point: Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina
Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina offers a convenient and well-equipped starting point for your journey. Ensure your vessel's supplies are topped up here, as the marina offers ample facilities for provisioning and last-minute checks.

Route Overview:
The journey to New Pass Cove G9 is relatively short but filled with interesting landmarks and potential hazards. You'll navigate through the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), encountering pleasure craft, commercial vessels, and possibly marine wildlife. The route is scenic, showcasing Florida’s diverse coastline, from bustling marinas to tranquil nature reserves.

Points of Interest & Shelter:

  1. Peanut Island: A fantastic early stop, offering unique snorkeling spots and a picnic area. In case of sudden bad weather, the island provides reasonable shelter and calm waters on its south side.
  2. Lake Worth Lagoon: As you continue south, the Lake Worth Lagoon offers a broad and picturesque expanse, ideal for leisurely cruising. Pay attention to the posted speed limits and wake zones. In case of need, the lagoon's width provides ample space to seek sheltered waters.
  3. Boynton Beach: Further along, Boynton Beach is a vibrant community with waterfront parks, and restaurants accessible by boat. It serves as a good rest stop, offering supplies and a chance to stretch your legs on solid ground.

Navigational Aids & Hazards:

  • Mangrove and Shoal Areas: Throughout the ICW, be vigilant for areas dense with mangroves and unexpected shoals, especially near estuaries. Use your chartplotter and depth sounder to navigate these safely.
  • Manatee Zones: Respect manatee zones by adhering to slow speed limits to protect marine life.
  • Inlets and Cross Currents: Pay particular attention when crossing inlets, where currents can be strong and unpredictable. Lake Worth Inlet and Boynton Inlet require caution; approach these perpendicularly to manage cross-currents effectively.
  • Bridges: Several drawbridges are encountered en route. Monitor VHF channels for bridge schedules and communicate your intentions clearly. Remember, sailboats and commercial traffic generally have right-of-way.

Arrival at New Pass Cove G9:
New Pass Cove G9 is an idyllic spot known for its calm waters and natural beauty. The approach is straightforward but requires vigilance for the final stretch to avoid shallow areas. Upon arrival, enjoy the serene setting, perfect for ending a day's journey.

This route from Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina to New Pass Cove G9 offers a blend of scenic beauty, intriguing stops, and navigational challenges. It's well-suited to the boater who delights in a mix of leisure and a bit of adventure. Staying vigilant for navigational aids and potential hazards, while taking opportunities to explore and enjoy the rich offerings along Florida's waterways, will make for an unforgettable journey. Always prioritize safety, and be prepared to adjust plans based on weather and sea conditions. Happy cruising!

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