Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Distance - 57.9 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
11 hours, 35 minutes
5 hours, 47 minutes
2 hours, 54 minutes
1 hour, 56 minutes
Get route planning for Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Pilot House Marina & Restaurant with savvy navvy

Start Location
Marlin Bay Resort & Marina


Contact details for Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

+1 (305) 731-2207
+1 (877) 594-3550
Rob Bulkiewicz, General Manager

End Location
Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

Key Largo

Contact details for Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

+1 (305) 451-3142
+1 (305) 747-4359
Terry Moore, Dockmaster

Route plan from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

Pilotage Plan: Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

Start Point: Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

End Point: Pilot House Marina & Restaurant

Overall Assessment:
This journey is a remarkable experience that combines the beauty of cruising through serene waters with the excitement of exploring the rich environments and communities along the Florida Keys. It's ideal for boaters who thrive on seamlessly blending navigational challenges with the pleasures of coastal exploration.

Itinerary Planning:

  1. Departure from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina:
  • Pre-departure Check: Ensure that your vessel is in good working condition, check the weather forecast, and inform the marina about your departure and estimated route.
  • Local Knowledge Is Key: Talk to the locals and the marina staff about the day’s weather and any recent changes in navigational aids or local hazards.
  1. Navigational Hazards and Considerations:
  • The route primarily involves navigating the Intracoastal Waterway, which is well marked but can be busy with both commercial and leisure traffic. Keep a sharp lookout, especially around bends and narrow channels.
  • Be mindful of shallow areas and reefs. Coastal waters in the Keys can surprise with sudden shallows. Pay attention to your charts and depth sounder.
  1. Points of Interest and Shelters:
  • Boot Key Harbor: A great place to take shelter if the weather turns. It's also a nice spot for a leisurely stop with good anchorage. The harbor is a hub of sailing activity, offering a glimpse into the boating lifestyle of the Keys.
  • Seven Mile Bridge: While not a stop in itself, cruising beneath this iconic bridge is a highlight of the trip. The views are spectacular, and the engineering marvel of the bridge itself is worth appreciating.
  • Bahia Honda State Park: Before reaching the Pilot House, consider detouring slightly for Bahia Honda. It offers stunning beaches, snorkeling, and a chance to stretch your legs on land.
  1. Notable Navigational Aids:
  • Keep an eye out for the day markers indicating the safe channel as you navigate around Vaca Key and Boot Key. Their numbers will guide you through the safest paths and alert you to any potential hazards.
  • The Hawk Channel can offer more favorable conditions if the weather turns, but be mindful of the increased traffic and check for the latest marine forecasts.
  1. Local Restrictions and Regulations:
  • Speed limits are enforced in certain areas, especially around marinas and populated shorelines, to protect marine life and ensure safety. Always adhere to posted signs.
  • Manatee zones are prevalent in these waters. These areas are marked, requiring reduced speeds to protect the local manatee population.
  1. Arrival at Pilot House Marina & Restaurant:
  • As you approach, maintain communication with the marina for docking instructions. They'll provide current information on berthing availability and any specific arrival protocols.

Why This Route:
This journey from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Pilot House Marina & Restaurant is a magnificent blend of navigational adventure and the serene beauty of the Florida Keys. Suitable for the avid explorer and the recreational boater alike, it offers a mix of open-water cruising and intricate piloting that will engage seasoned sailors and provide a delightful challenge to those honing their skills. Along the way, the carefully selected points of interest and potential shelter spots ensure that safety is never far from the pleasure of exploration.

In essence, this trip embodies the spirit of boating in the Keys: navigating with care and responsibility while fully embracing the joy and beauty of the sea. Safe travels!

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