Little Harbor Marinas to Don Pedro Island Green #3

Little Harbor Marinas

Distance - 68.3 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
13 hours, 40 minutes
6 hours, 50 minutes
3 hours, 25 minutes
2 hours, 17 minutes
Get route planning for Little Harbor Marinas to Don Pedro Island Green #3 with savvy navvy

Start Location
Little Harbor Marinas

606 SeaGrape Dr.

Contact details for Little Harbor Marinas

+1 (813) 645-2288
Rick, Julie, & Tommy

End Location
Don Pedro Island Green #3

Lemon Bay

Contact details for Don Pedro Island Green #3

Route plan from Little Harbor Marinas to Don Pedro Island Green #3

Pilotage Plan from Little Harbor Marinas to Don Pedro Island Green #3

This cruising itinerary takes you from the charming Little Harbor Marinas on a captivating journey to Don Pedro Island Green #3. It's a route replete with scenic bays, navigational aids for guidance, and exhilarating points of interest. Crafted for the adventurous navigator, it combines the thrill of exploration with the serene beauty of Florida's coast, making it suitable for cruisers who appreciate both safety and the joy of discovery.

Setting Off:
Commencing at Little Harbor Marinas, your journey begins in the heart of a well-equipped facility, offering a perfect launch point. Before departure, ensure your vessel is prepared for the voyage, checking fuel, safety equipment, and weather conditions.

Navigational Route and Key Points:

  1. Leaving Little Harbor:
  • Upon departure, navigate the channel markers carefully, adhering to local speed regulations. These initial waters serve as a gentle introduction to your journey, offering clear pathways marked by reliable aids to navigation.
  1. Manatee Viewing at Apollo Beach:
  • Just a short cruise north of Little Harbor, Apollo Beach offers the delightful Manatee Viewing Center. Although a slight detour, it's a perfect stop for wildlife enthusiasts. However, stay vigilant for manatee protection zones, where speed restrictions ensure the safety of these gentle giants.
  1. Passing Under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge:
  • An architectural marvel, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge is a landmark not to be missed. Ensure to keep clear of the main shipping channel as you marvel at this spectacle, keeping an eye out for the designated recreational boating lanes.
  1. Egmont Key Exploration:
  • Before heading further south, consider a stop at Egmont Key. Accessible only by boat, it offers a combination of history, nature trails, and pristine beaches. Be aware of the currents and navigational hazards around the key, and use the designated anchorage areas.
  1. Sarasota Bay:
  • As you continue, Sarasota Bay presents a larger body of water with multiple points of interest. The bay area is known for its cultural attractions and natural beauty. Marinas and moorings are available for stopping over, subject to local regulations. Keep an eye on weather forecasts, as the bay can be challenging in adverse conditions.
  1. Venice Inlet to Lemon Bay:
  • To reach Lemon Bay, you'll need to navigate through Venice Inlet. This area requires caution due to variable tidal currents and potentially crowded conditions. The inlet is well marked, but adherence to the rules of the road is essential for safe passage.
  1. Lemon Bay to Don Pedro Island Green #3:
  • Lemon Bay offers a tranquil stretch leading towards Don Pedro Island. This segment is relatively straightforward but maintain a watchful eye for shallow areas marked by aids to navigation.

Arrival at Don Pedro Island Green #3:
Don Pedro Island Green #3 is a haven of natural beauty, representing an idyllic culmination to your journey. The island, accessible by boat, is perfect for those who revel in the tranquility of untouched landscapes. Anchor with care, ensuring you're not disrupting the seagrass beds or local fauna.

Safety Considerations and Regulations:

  • Weather Awareness: Always check the local weather forecast before and during your trip. Florida weather can change rapidly, and being prepared is key.
  • Navigational Aids: Familiarize yourself with chart symbols and the buoyage system used along your route to ensure a safe passage.
  • Local Regulations: Respect speed zones, especially in manatee protection areas and near shorelines to minimize erosion.
  • Emergency Preparations: Ensure your vessel is equipped with emergency supplies, including a first-aid kit, life jackets, and signaling devices.

This route from Little Harbor Marinas to Don Pedro Island Green #3 offers a delightful mix of adventurous cruising, natural wonders, and points of interest, suited for the boater who enjoys a blend of exploration and relaxation. By prioritizing safety and adhering to local guidelines, cruisers can fully enjoy the splendors of Florida's coastal waterways, making memories that will last a lifetime.

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