Miami Beach Marina to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound

Miami Beach Marina

Distance - 82.1 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
16 hours, 25 minutes
8 hours, 13 minutes
4 hours, 6 minutes
2 hours, 44 minutes
Get route planning for Miami Beach Marina to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound with savvy navvy

Start Location
Miami Beach Marina

Miami Beach

Contact details for Miami Beach Marina

+1 (305) 673-6000
Lee Andrea, General Manager

End Location
Harbor Island - Hobe Sound

ICW - Hobe Sound

Contact details for Harbor Island - Hobe Sound

Route plan from Miami Beach Marina to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound

Itinerary Planning for a Boat Trip from Miami Beach Marina to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound

Embarking on a voyage from the vibrant Miami Beach Marina to the serene Harbor Island in Hobe Sound offers an exhilarating yet peaceful boating experience, suitable for seasoned sailors and those who live for the thrill of navigating the picturesque waters of Florida's coastline. This route is not just about the destination but the journey itself, offering spectacular vistas, intriguing stopovers, and a plethora of maritime challenges that make it an ideal choice for boaters who appreciate both the tranquility of the sea and the adventure it brings.

Route Overview
Your journey begins at the Miami Beach Marina, heading north along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), navigating through the heart of Florida’s most beautiful waterfront communities, and bypassing the hustle and bustle of city life. This voyage takes you past iconic landmarks and potential havens such as Fort Lauderdale, the tranquil waters of Lake Boca Raton, and the scenic Jupiter Island before finally arriving at the peaceful retreat of Harbor Island - Hobe Sound.

Step-by-Step Pilotage Plan

  1. Departure from Miami Beach Marina: Set sail from Miami Beach Marina, ensuring that your vessel is well-equipped with navigation charts, a functioning GPS system, and communication devices. Early departure is recommended to make the most of the daylight hours.
  2. Navigating to and through Fort Lauderdale: Your first challenge is maneuvering through the heavy boat traffic and drawbridges of Fort Lauderdale. Patience and keen attention are required, especially during weekends. As you pass the city, consider a brief stop at Port Everglades to marvel at the massive cruise ships, but be mindful of the designated no-wake zones to minimize impact.
  3. Lake Boca Raton as a Safe Haven: Approaching Lake Boca Raton offers an opportunity for a leisurely break or an emergency shelter in case of unforeseen weather conditions. The lake's calm waters make it an ideal spot for anchoring, and the nearby Boca Raton Inlet can be used for easy access to the open ocean if desired.
  4. Passing Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse: As you near Jupiter, the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse serves as a prominent navigational aid and a historical landmark worth visiting. The waters around the Jupiter Inlet tend to be busier and might require more precise navigation due to currents and recreational traffic.
  5. Final Approach to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound: The last leg of your journey involves careful navigation through the naturally beautiful, yet narrower channels of the ICW, leading up to Harbor Island. Stay vigilant for shallow areas marked by Aid to Navigation (ATONs), ensuring a safe passage.

Important Navigational Aids and Considerations

  • ICW Markers: Keep a lookout for the red and green markers of the Intracoastal Waterway, ensuring to keep the red markers on your starboard (right) side when heading north.
  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the local speed and wake regulations, especially in manatee zones and near residential areas to avoid fines and ensure safe passage for everyone on the water.
  • Weather and Tide Check: Before departure and throughout your trip, keep an updated check on the weather and tidal conditions. The Florida coast is known for its sudden weather changes, and being prepared can make a significant difference.


This journey from Miami Beach Marina to Harbor Island - Hobe Sound is a mariner’s delight, weaving through the bustling cities, serene inlets, and stunning landscapes of Florida’s eastern coast. It’s perfect for boaters who seek the thrill of navigating through diverse conditions while also appreciating moments of tranquility amidst the beauty of nature. Safety, as always, is paramount, but interspersed with the rich palette of experiences along this route, it promises an unforgettable nautical adventure.

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