Sailfish Marina of Stuart to Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Sailfish Marina of Stuart

Distance - 200.2 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 16 hours, 2 minutes
20 hours, 1 minute
10 hours, 1 minute
6 hours, 40 minutes
Get route planning for Sailfish Marina of Stuart to Marlin Bay Resort & Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Sailfish Marina of Stuart


Contact details for Sailfish Marina of Stuart

+1 (772) 283-1122, Main Office
+1 (772) 278-6794, South Fuel Dock (open late)
Karen Tine, Dockmaster

End Location
Marlin Bay Resort & Marina


Contact details for Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

+1 (305) 731-2207
+1 (877) 594-3550
Rob Bulkiewicz, General Manager

Route plan from Sailfish Marina of Stuart to Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Embarking on a nautical journey from the Sailfish Marina of Stuart to Marlin Bay Resort & Marina promises an unforgettable adventure through some of the most beautiful waters and coastlines Florida has to offer. This journey is perfect for the seasoned sailor who appreciates the blend of navigating through tranquil yet demanding waters, with the reward of stunning natural beauty and intriguing stops along the way. Safety, scenic beauty, and the challenge of skillful navigation are the keystones of this voyage.

Departure: Sailfish Marina of Stuart

Your journey commences at the charming Sailfish Marina of Stuart, a well-equipped facility that offers a serene starting point. Before departure, ensure your vessel is in good condition, and you have all necessary safety equipment on board, including life jackets, fire extinguishers, flares, and a well-charged communication device.

Navigational Route and Considerations

Upon leaving the marina, head towards the St. Lucie Inlet, navigating carefully through the marked channels. The St. Lucie Inlet can be tricky with shifting sands, so paying close attention to the latest charts and Notices to Mariners is crucial for a safe passage. Once through the inlet, you will enter the Atlantic Ocean. This route requires a keen eye on the weather, as conditions can change rapidly. It's advisable to have a reliable weather app or device to receive updates.

Points of Interest and Shelter Bays

  1. Peck Lake - Nestled between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge, Peck Lake is a short detour inland and offers a tranquil spot for anchoring, should the weather turn or if you simply wish to enjoy a bit of nature. It's known for excellent fishing and bird watching.
  2. Jupiter Island - As you pass by the scenic Jupiter Island, you have the opportunity to admire luxurious homes and lush landscapes. The Jupiter Inlet Light, a historic lighthouse, is a notable landmark here and well worth the detour for those interested in maritime history and picturesque views.

Taking Refuge

Should inclement weather arise, Jupiter Inlet offers a safe harbor to seek refuge. It's well-protected and provides access to provisions and services should you need them.

Key Navigational Aids

  • St. Lucie Inlet - Pay attention to the buoyage system as you navigate through, adhering to the "Red Right Returning" rule, indicating that red buoys should be kept on the right (starboard) side when returning from sea.
  • Jupiter Inlet - Alongside the natural guidance of Jupiter Island’s lighthouse, this area is well-marked but notorious for strong currents. Knowledge of tide times and careful timing are essential for safe passage.

Local Restrictions and Regulations

Be mindful of speed restrictions throughout your journey, especially in designated manatee zones and near populated beach areas. Adhering to these regulations is not only a matter of compliance but also a contribution to the preservation of Florida’s precious marine life.

Arrival: Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Your final destination, the Marlin Bay Resort & Marina in the heart of the Florida Keys, offers luxurious amenities to rest and recharge after your journey. The marina is equipped to serve vessels of various sizes, providing a seamless transition from sea to comfort.

Why It's Perfect

This route is catered towards the boater who relishes the blend of challenge and tranquility. It provides ample opportunity to hone navigational skills while offering moments of peaceful leisure and natural beauty. The carefully chosen points of interest and shelter locations ensure a safe journey, with the allure of exploration and comfort.

Whether seeking the thrill of navigating through Florida's diverse coastal waters or the calm of secluded natural harbors, this journey from Sailfish Marina of Stuart to Marlin Bay Resort & Marina encapsulates the essence of what makes boating in Florida uniquely rewarding.

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