Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Stellrecht Point

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Distance - 291.8 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
2 days, 10 hours, 22 minutes
1 day, 5 hours, 11 minutes
14 hours, 35 minutes
9 hours, 44 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Stellrecht Point with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

7080 Placida Road
Cape Haze

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

+1 (941) 697-4356
+1 (941) 697-4356
Brett Cherry, General Manager

End Location
Stellrecht Point

Blackwater Sound

Contact details for Stellrecht Point

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Stellrecht Point

Embarking from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina, your journey towards the serene and picturesque Stellrecht Point is set to provide both a safe and exhilarating boating experience. This voyage is perfect for the avid mariner who thrives on navigating the tranquil and scenic waters, with a keen eye for safe passages and a heart for exploration.

Pilotage Plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Stellrecht Point:

  1. Departure Preparation:
  • Before casting off, ensure your vessel is equipped with updated nautical charts for the area and a functioning GPS system.
  • Check the weather forecast to avoid any unexpected bad weather. Even though this plan includes potential shelters, it’s best to start with a clear forecast.
  • Familiarize yourself with local VHF channels for marinas and coast guard stations along your route.
  1. Initial Navigation:
  • Upon departing from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina, set your course to pass nearby Anclote Key. The key offers a picturesque barrier that's a joy to navigate around with its lighthouse serving as a landmark and a photogenic spot.
  • It's imperative to stay updated on the local tide tables to avoid shallow areas around Anclote Key, especially if your vessel has a significant draft.
  1. Points of Shelter and Interest:
  • Caladesi Island State Park presents a beautiful opportunity for a stopover. The park is a haven for boaters seeking tranquility or a chance to explore unique Floridian nature.
  • Honeymoon Island State Park, just before Caladesi, offers mooring points and services for boaters. It's an ideal spot to take shelter if the weather suddenly changes. Their facilities provide a comfortable waiting point until conditions improve.
  1. Route Considerations and Navigation Aids:
  • As you navigate further south, pay close attention to the channel markers. The ICW (Intracoastal Waterway) markers will be crucial guides ensuring you are on the right path, following the red-right-returning rule when appropriate.
  • Be mindful of the bridges along the route. Ensure your vessel's clearance and familiarize yourself with the bridge schedules to avoid unnecessary waiting.
  1. Approaching Stellrecht Point:
  • Nearing Stellrecht Point, the waters may become busier. Keep an eye out for recreational and fishing vessels. Practice good seamanship—slow down, give right of way when necessary, and use your horn signals to communicate intentions clearly.
  • Stellrecht Point itself is less crowded and a gem for those seeking a peaceful anchorage. It’s surrounded by natural beauty, offering a pristine environment for relaxation and reflection.
  1. Local Regulations and Etiquette:
  • Respect no-wake zones, particularly near marinas and populated shoreline areas. These are not only for safety but help in reducing shoreline erosion.
  • Adherence to fishing regulations is essential if you plan to indulge. Ensure you have the correct permits and are aware of size and catch limits.

Why This Route:

This voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Stellrecht Point is a journey through the heart of Florida's boating paradise, blending safety with awe-inspiring vistas. It's specifically tailored for the mariner who respects the seamanship's ethos—prioritizing safety while being open to the adventures that the sea offers. The route’s shelters and points of interest provide safe havens and delightful distractions, making this a well-rounded voyage perfect for explorers, families, and those seeking solace on the water.

This trip offers the safety nets required for a worry-free journey, with the additional promise of unforgettable sights and the joy of discovery. It’s a route that offers something for every boater, ensuring a safe passage enriched with the natural splendor of Florida’s coastline.

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