Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Palm Shores

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 87.6 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
17 hours, 31 minutes
8 hours, 46 minutes
4 hours, 23 minutes
2 hours, 55 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Palm Shores with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, Office Number, monitored from 8am-5pm
+1 (561) 646-0861, Emergency Contact
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

End Location
Palm Shores

ICW Mile 909

Contact details for Palm Shores

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Palm Shores

Pilotage Plan: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Palm Shores

Departure Point: Loggerhead Marina, Palm Beach Gardens

Destination: Palm Shores

Route Overview:
Embarking on this picturesque journey from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens to Palm Shores presents an exciting opportunity for cruisers to explore the vibrant coastlines of Florida. This route is particularly well-suited for boaters who enjoy a blend of tranquil cruising, natural beauty, and the thrill of discovering new landmarks and destinations. The journey requires careful navigation through some of Florida's most scenic waters, making it ideal for experienced yachters who prioritize safety but are looking for an adventure.

Navigation Considerations:

  1. Leaving Loggerhead Marina: Departing the marina, you will initially navigate the intracoastal waters. Stay alert for the numerous pleasure boats and commercial vessels that frequent this area.
  2. Jupiter Island: Cruising north, you'll pass by the exclusive Jupiter Island. Keep to the marked channels as the waters here can be shallow. Jupiter Inlet to your east can be a point of interest but be wary of strong currents and occasionally rough conditions.
  3. Peck Lake: Approaching Peck Lake, located south of St. Lucie Inlet, offers a serene spot ideal for anchoring if you seek shelter or simply a pause in your journey. It's a perfect area for a swim or to enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.

Safety Shelters and Points of Interest:

  • St. Lucie Inlet State Park: Provides a safe haven from harsh weather and a chance to explore pristine beaches and nature trails.
  • Fort Pierce: Offers marinas for refueling and restocking provisions. The Fort Pierce Inlet is well-marked but can be busy; caution is advised.
  • Vero Beach: Known as the 'Gateway to the Tropics,' Vero Beach is not just a safe haven but also a charming stop with beautiful parks, museums, and beaches.

Navigational Aids and Regulations to Note:

  • Keep up-to-date with local Notices to Mariners for any temporary changes or hazards along your route.
  • Respect speed regulations in manatee zones and near populated marina areas to ensure the safety of marine life and other water users.
  • Pay close attention when navigating through inlets, as currents and conditions can change rapidly. Make use of available navigational aids like buoys and GPS waypoints.

Arriving at Palm Shores:
As you approach Palm Shores, the waters become more serene, making the final leg of the journey a peaceful cruise. Palm Shores is known for its welcoming community of boaters and excellent marina facilities, making it a perfect endpoint for your journey.

Why This Route:
This itinerary offers an enchanting blend of scenic beauty, coastal charm, and navigational challenges that will satisfy the adventurous spirit of experienced boaters. Safety is prioritized through recommended stops and shelters, yet the route is dotted with activities and attractions that promise fun and discovery. Whether it's exploring the natural havens, enjoying local cuisines, or simply basking in the sunsets over the water, this journey from Loggerhead Marina to Palm Shores is a delightful exploration of Florida's captivating coastline.

This pilotage plan balances the paramount importance of safety with the thrill of exploration and adventure. Suitable for boaters who are well-versed in navigation and safety protocols but are looking for an exciting journey, it promises an unforgettable cruising experience amidst some of Florida's most beautiful waterscapes.

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