Bahia Mar Yachting Center to Seahaven Superyacht Marina

Bahia Mar Yachting Center

Distance - 4.6 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
55 minutes
28 minutes
14 minutes
9 minutes
Get route planning for Bahia Mar Yachting Center to Seahaven Superyacht Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Bahia Mar Yachting Center

Ft. Lauderdale

Contact details for Bahia Mar Yachting Center

+1 (954) 627-6309, Open 7 am - 6 pm
Open 7 am - 6 pm

End Location
Seahaven Superyacht Marina

Dania Beach, Fl. 33004
Dania Beach

Contact details for Seahaven Superyacht Marina

+1 (954) 416-1860
Marieke van Peer, Harbormaster

Route plan from Bahia Mar Yachting Center to Seahaven Superyacht Marina

Embarking from Bahia Mar Yachting Center located in the heart of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, your journey to Seahaven Superyacht Marina promises to be one of scenic beauty, navigational vigilance, and enjoyable stops. This route, ideal for experienced boaters who appreciate the blend of open-sea cruising with the opportunity to explore sheltered waters and vibrant coastal communities, is as enriching as it is captivating.

Departure: Bahia Mar Yachting Center

Your journey begins at the Bahia Mar Yachting Center, a well-equipped facility known for its beautiful surroundings and comprehensive amenities. Before setting sail, ensure your vessel is fully provisioned, and all safety equipment is checked and operational. Additionally, check the local weather forecast and marine traffic updates. Given the dynamic nature of Florida's weather, staying informed is paramount for a safe trip.

Route Highlights and Navigation

After leaving Bahia Mar Yachting Center, you'll navigate through Fort Lauderdale's intricate network of canals and waterways, leading you towards the open Atlantic. This initial phase requires careful attention to the numerous navigational aids, including buoys, markers, and lights that guide vessels safely through these busy and often narrow passages.

Upon reaching the ocean, set a course northward, keeping a watchful eye on weather conditions and marine traffic. The vast Atlantic offers a thrilling experience, but respect for its power and unpredictability is essential. A VHF radio is indispensable for receiving weather updates and communicating with other vessels and the Coast Guard if necessary.

Points of Interest and Shelters

  • Hollywood Beach: As you cruise north, consider a detour towards Hollywood Beach. This detour offers not only a sheltered area to anchor in unfavorable weather but also a chance to explore one of Florida's most famous beaches, known for its charming boardwalk, cafés, and shops.
  • Port Everglades: While not a detour, you'll pass this significant landmark from a distance. It's a hub of maritime activity and offers an impressive sight with the large cruise ships and cargo vessels. Remember, this area is highly regulated, and adherence to speed limits and traffic separation schemes is crucial.
  • Hillsboro Inlet: Further north, the Hillsboro Inlet acts as a gateway for boats to enter the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) from the Atlantic. It's a crucial point for navigators to be cautious of swift currents and potentially tricky navigation due to shifting sands. The inlet is also close to the Hillsboro Lighthouse, a historical beacon and landmark for mariners.

Arrival: Seahaven Superyacht Marina

Seahaven Superyacht Marina, nestled in Dania Beach, offers a state-of-the-art facility catering specifically to superyachts. The approach to Seahaven requires careful navigation through the ICW, with strict adherence to speed limits and respect for the rich marine life. The Marina is not only a safe harbor but also places you in proximity to some of South Florida's most attractive destinations, including beaches, dining, and shopping venues.

Safety and Regulations

Throughout your journey, maintaining a vigilant watch for weather changes, adhering to navigational rules, and respecting local wildlife and ecosystem regulations are paramount. Florida's waters are home to diverse marine life, including manatees, which are protected under federal law. Speed restrictions in certain areas are enforced not only for human safety but also to protect these gentle giants.


This pilotage plan from Bahia Mar Yachting Center to Seahaven Superyacht Marina combines the thrill of open-sea sailing with the serene beauty of Florida’s coastline. It's designed for the seasoned boater who values safety, environmental respect, and the joy of discovery. Each stop and point of interest along the way offers a unique blend of Floridian culture, natural beauty, and maritime history, making this journey not just a trip but an experience to remember.

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